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  • Fire Point Sign - Vinyl (200mm x 300mm) FPSV

Fire Point Sign - Vinyl (200mm x 300mm) FPSV

Fire Point Sign - Vinyl (200mm x 300mm) FPSV
  • $3.44

Fire Point Sign - Vinyl (200mm x 300mm) FPSV

Fire Extinguishers, fire hoses and other firefighting equipment should be stored in an easily accessible area. But it is of no use having access to fire equipment if people aren’t able to find it when needed.

It is possible that firefighting equipment might be stored in cupboards or in slightly hidden areas. Even in open plan offices fire equipment might not be easy to see.  The equipment may be hidden behind desks, or obscured by plants or classroom equipment.

These fire point signs are designed to be visible across a room to allow for people to quickly identify firefighting equipment in the event of an emergency.

A very small percentage of people will check a room for fire equipment and fire exits every time they visit a new place. The vast majority of people will only look for fire equipment in an emergency.  At this point seconds really count, so it is important the fire equipment points are highly visible.

The signs might also form part of a group of signs that highlight where firefighting equipment is for professional fire fighters, this might include dry or wet risers or fire hoses.  

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