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Aspirating Smoke Detection

Aspirating Smoke Detection

Aspirating smoke detectors offer many advantages over passive smoke detectors. They continually draw air through their sensors, meaning they don't depend on the airflow in the room. Aspirating detectors are even able to detect smoke before it's even visible, so are a great option for when it's imperative that you have that 'instant' alert to any fire issue. We carry a wide range of aspirating detectors, ancillaries, and spares, each of which we've chosen for quality and reliability. We have power supplies and control panels, basic detectors, and specialist units, such as the portable Cirrus Pro Locator - the first handheld unit available. In order to keep your units working, we provide air filters, or look elsewhere on our site for alarm testing equipment.

If you're unsure which detector is right for you, just give us a call and we'll talk you through finding which unit is right for your needs. As with all our products, we price-match all genuine quotes, so you're assured of both great service and great prices.

We carry a wide range of aspirating detectors, ancillaries, and spares, each of which we've chosen for quality and reliability. We stock power supplies, ASD detectors, programmers, display units, and specialist units, such as the portable Cirrus Pro Locator - the first handheld unit available. In order to keep your aspirating smoke detection working and fully maintained, we provide air filters, pipe-work, replacement detector components; or look elsewhere on our site for alarm testing equipment.

A new test solution for hard to access ASD Sample Points is the Scorpion, this solution enables fast and efficient testing of ASD Systems - regardless of location. Scorpion is suitable for a wide range of applications and has quickly proved a useful addition to fire maintenance companies' range of test & maintenance solutions. Scorpion provides a technical solution for testing aspirating smoke detection (ASD) systems - which by their nature are also hard-to-access and typically have had no standard method of testing.

  • Enables 100% compliant testing for smoke detectors
  • Provides consistent testing for ASD
  • Significant time savings
  • Huge cost reduction
  • Eliminates down-time (allows business continuity)  

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