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  • Advanced Lux Intelligent PC-NET-009-USB PC (Lite) Configuration Software c/w USB Lead

Advanced Lux Intelligent PC-NET-009-USB PC (Lite) Configuration Software c/w USB Lead

Advanced Lux Intelligent PC-NET-009-USB PC (Lite) Configuration Software c/w USB Lead

Please note: This product is now obsolete, please contact us for further information.

Advanced Lux Intelligent PC-NET-009-USB PC (Lite) Configuration Software comes with USB Lead (Lx-9400 Version)

PC-NeT-009 is a multi-function Lite system management package. As standard this package is made up of powerful suite of individual programs which allow a PC to connect either directly or via a number of interfaces, to a Lux Intelligent panel.

The configuration tool allows meaningful location text descriptions and appropriate test zones can be assigned to individual luminaries.

The configuration function also allows the test zone location text and any auto test scheduling to be easily defined and configured.

The Uplink/Downlink option allows the configuration to be loaded to, or downloaded from, the panel either via direct connection.

The Virtual Panel control and display function allows real time control and monitoring of any panel on the system.

Key Features:

  • Comes with USB lead
  • Lx-9400 version

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