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  • Tyco 557.202.210 PSU830 Power Supply Module

Tyco 557.202.210 PSU830 Power Supply Module

Tyco 557.202.210 PSU830 Power Supply Module
Brand: Tyco

Tyco 557.202.210 PSU830 Power Supply Module

The MX PSU830 power supply module is a state-of-the-art integrated switch mode system power supply and battery charger, which can provide up to 5A external and auxiliary loop power during alarm conditions. It has a universal input allowing operation from 100 to 264Vac 50 or 60 Hz. The charging voltage is temperature compensated.

The power supply recharges the batteries within 24hr for the following timings:

  • 90hr stand by time and 15 minute alarm condition.
  • 72hr stand by time and 30 minute alarm condition.

The power supply provides full condition and fault monitoring to the system via the FIM or addressable power supply monitor module APM800. The PSU830 incorporates a booster module to provide the correct voltage levels to maximise the performance of the MX DIGITAL protocol. Fault signals (Loss of AC, Battery charger fault, Battery fault and earth fault) are provided. Battery voltage readings are also provided to the FIM and a volt free fault o/p is also provided.

Screw terminals provide 2 x 27V outputs (one with reset control) and one 5V output. The power supply is fitted in a steel cage with mounting points to allow any of the following boards to be mounted:

  • APM800 addressable power supply monitor module.
  • FB800 fuse board with 15 x 24Vdc fused spurs.
  • IOB800 input/output expansion board.
  • PTM800 power terminal module.

The MX2 PSU830 Dual PSU Kit is required to power the XLM800 pcb on 6 to 8 loop systems which require theextended loop power capability. It consists of the necessary cables & connectors to enable an additional PSU830 to be fitted to an MX2 controller.

Key Features:

  • Universal Input Voltage
  • Temperature Compensated
  • Full Fault Monitoring
  • Can drive 4 fully loaded MX digital loops
  • When used with second PSU830 and MX2 8 loop expansion kit can power 8 fully loaded MX digital loops
  • Same footprint and fixings as the PSB821
  • Replaces PSB820 and PSM820
  • Meets the requirements of EN54 part 4 amendment 2

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