Lexicomm ViLX-OSB Surface Type B Refuge Point
- Part Number: ViLX-OSB
- Categories: EVC Outstations (Evacuation Voice Communication / Disabled Refuge System / PAVA)
Please note: This product is now obsolete, we recommend using the Vox Ignis VILX-OSB-SS Lexicomm Type B Refuge Point – Stainless Steel or the Vox Ignis ViLX-OSB-G Lexicomm Type B Refuge Point.
Lexicomm ViLX-OSB Surface Type B Refuge Point
The ViLX-OSB is a type B EVCS outstation compatible with the Lexicomm standalone and network systems.These are primarily used by the public in disabled refuge areas, which should be provided on or near all protected stairwells to allow the orderly evacuation of people requiring assistance.
Refuges are not just for wheelchair users, but for all people who may slow the egress of evacuees, and typically refers to those who cannot walk 200m without stopping or aid.
The outstation is supplied with a brushed stainless finish with a green halo and green flashing button to aid location, especially in low light environments, it flashes red when ringing and is solid red when a call is connected. The unit fits to a standard UK style double socket back-box for either flush or surface mounting.
The outstation is supplied with a brushed stainless finish and a green flashing button to aid location. The ability to use a standard ‘MK’ double gang back box means only one type of panel is required for flush and surface installations reducing stocking requirements.
The ViLX-OSB is a Type B outstation as defined in BS5839-9:2011, and is designed to be used by the public as a disabled refuge call point. Type B outstations should be placed in disabled refuge locations as described in Building Regulations Approved Document B and BS9999:2008.
Mounting The Unit
The ViLX-OSB is not supplied with a back-box as it can be used with any “MK” style double back-box over 25mm deep. To accept cable glands the back box needs to be 35mm deep) including metal clad surface types and plastic plasterboard liner boxes. The unit should be mounted at a height of 900mm to 1200mm from the centre line to the finished floor level to comply with the requirements of Building Regulations Document M (Access for the Disabled). When flush mounting use the backbox manufacturers recommended cut out. Once the outstation is mounted the supplied sign should be placed adjacent to the outstation to give instructions and identify the point.
Key Features:
- Fits standard double Socket Back Box (86mm x 146mm)
- Hands free full duplex operation
- High volume ringer
- Red status LEDs in Call Button
- Green flashing Call Button for location
- Flush or surface mount
- Fully Monitored to BS5839-9:2011
- Braille enhanced Call Button
- Stainless Steel as standard
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