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Baldwin Boxall Touch Screen Microphone BVRDTSM

Baldwin Boxall Touch Screen Microphone BVRDTSM
  • £1,378.94 (£1,654.73 inc VAT)

Baldwin Boxall Touch Screen Microphone BVRDTSM

Introducing the new EN54 certified touch screen control microphone – a multi-function user interface for VIGIL voice alarm systems.

The BVRDTSM is an easy to use microphone with a touch sensitive screen that provides full control of the voice alarm system. Special features include a Near Field Communication (NFC) smart card user access facility.

The microphone is a stylish unit which has all the functions that you would expect from a voice alarm system control microphone. It provides the user with unique options such as connecting a third-party music feed directly to the microphone to broadcast to selected areas (or zones).

The unit has a dual output ability which provides the opportunity to route a broadcast via an alternative rack on the system – ideal for sites where separate A and B circuit racks are required. Another feature is the hard-wired bypass input which enables an emergency ‘all call’ announcement in the unlikely event of a processor failure.

With straight-forward multi-page scroll through operation, the microphone enables full control of a VIGIL voice alarm system, including (access allowing):

  • Zone or ‘all call’ selection.
  • Live speech for general paging announcements.
  • Emergency paging facility – given highest priority on the system, automatically overriding all other broadcasts.
  • Select system stored messages – general and critical (with priority given to the most critical) – for broadcast to chosen zones.
  • Operators can use the microphone to record non-critical messages and store them for future use.
  • A third-party music audio feed can be connected to the microphone. The output can then be routed by the user to a single, or combination, of zones.
  • Select and route background music for broadcast to individual or multiple zones.
  • Volume adjustment function provides the ability to change the volume of non-critical broadcasts to selected zones.
  • View detailed activity history and fault logs.
  • Configurable group buttons enable selection of multiple zones by a single touch.
  • Configurable function buttons enable automatic multiple message playback.

Key Features:

  • Stylish, easy-to-use control microphone with a capacitive touch, bright, seven-inch screen.
  • Emergency control mode; live emergency broadcasts from the unit will override messages triggered by the fire panel.
  • Near Field Communications (NFC) for card (or pin) based operator log-in feature, enabling access to a pre-determined level of control.
  • Dual output facility providing the ability to route the broadcast via a different rack on the system; for sites where separate A/B circuit racks are required.
  • A hard-wired bypass input enables an emergency ‘all call’ announcement in the unlikely event of a processor failure. There is also an option to fit an emergency bypass ‘all call’ switch to the microphone.
  • Critical signal path monitoring of the system - all faults being visibly and audibly indicated at the microphone.
  • Compatible with VIGIL2 and VIGIL3, all microphone configuration is performed via the touch screen.

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