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  • Tyco 5B-5" Universal Detector Base Minerva MX (517.050.017)

Tyco 5B-5" Universal Detector Base Minerva MX (517.050.017)

Tyco 5B-5" Universal Detector Base Minerva MX (517.050.017)
Brand: Tyco

Tyco 5B-5" Universal Detector Base Minerva MX (517.050.017)

This is the most commonly used base for the MX applications. It is fully EN54 and Vds approved for use with the MX detector range and can also be used for the Minerva M900 addressable and series 600 conventional ranges of detectors.

If used it will require a seperately supplied tool to remove a detector from the base. Optional address label flags are automatically transferred from detector to base when the detector is inserted. Following detector removal flags are retained in the base to provide a permanent address indicator.


The base should be fixed such that the park plunger faces toward the door or trafficable area. This ensures the detector LED will be visible from the direction of entry, in accordance with AS1670.1-2004. The 5B base should be located as shown on the site plan, fixed to a suitable flat surface strong enough to take the weight of the base and detector. Two pan head screws 4.8mm diameter (max.) are required (not supplied) for fixing the base.

The base may be fixed directly to the ceiling, to a conduit box, DHM5B deckhead mount or Euro Mount base. To aid fixing, there are enlarged holes in the base allowing a screw to be started, then the base inserted over the screw head and rotated on the screw to be held loosely on the ceiling. The second screw can then be installed and both screws tightened. The 5B base has four electrical contacts which align with the contacts on the detector once the latter is fitted and fully latched into position.

Key Features

  • Drive a remote indicator
  • Detector locking pin with every base
  • Temporary park position
  • The 5" Universal Detector Base accepts an address label flag from the detector when used with MX Detector ranges.
  • Fit directly to a British or European conduit box or directly onto the ceiling.
  • Break outs for surface installation

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